Running Does Burn Calories
Running burns about 100 calories per mile. This estimate ignores individual factors such as metabolism or hereditary factors. Since a person can run or jog a mile in 10-15 minutes (typically) and can walk a mile in 20 minutes, it looks like these activities would be a great way to lose weight. However, to lose a pound of weight through running, one would have to do approximately 35 miles since each pound lost means about 3500 calories burned or not consumed (of course, we're all different, and the exact number of calories burned for a pound lost varies with the individual). Thirty-five miles is quite a distance, especially for a beginning runner who may do only 3 or 4 miles per week. Thus, we realize that running is an important factor in weight reduction, but it is not the whole picture. It is just one piece of the puzzle.
Eat Less and Drink More
You'll have fewer calories to burn, thus loosing weight, if you eat less each meal. Many nutritionists recommend that you eat until you're 80% full. It takes about 20 minutes for your body to recognize that it is full, and by stopping eating when you're approximately 80% full, you're giving your body time to recognize that it is, in fact, full. Also, drink more water before you eat. Don't drink carbonated water. Don't drink soda. Just drink plain water. This will help your body believe it is full, and you'll get more nutrition from your food due to the extra water.
Get Into the Long Haul
Throw Your Scale Away
Many people weigh themselves every day hoping to see the needle come down. The needle hangs up there, and they become discouraged. My suggestion is not to weigh yourself more often than once a week. |
No Need to Run Fast
Running is only Part of the Story
Putting in the miles will help you lose weight, but there is the other half of the weight-loss equation.
Weight Loss = Exercise + Reduced Calories
Reduced calories come from reduced eating! However, don't go on a crash diet! To be successful in reducing weight, you must have fewer calories going into your body. If you try and reduce too many calories through dieting, your body may think it is starving, and it may lower your metabolism in an attempt to conserve energy. You may lose weight, but you probably won't be able to continue your diet for years and years, and when you leave your diet, you will eat more and, due to a lower metabolism, you may gain even more weight than you lost . This is known as the "yo-yo" effect.
A reasonable goal is to reduce your calories from food by about 300 per day. Many people can do this merely by consuming fewer calories from sweets and sodas. Others have success with small changes in diet -- losing 50 calories here and 25 calories there. That, plus losing 200 calories per day due to running will give you a weight loss of about a pound a week. That may not seem like much, but that is 52 pounds per year, and that is significant weight loss.
Be sure that the calories you do consume come from a nutritious diet. Eat veggies, fruits, fish, poultry, nuts, and whole grains. If you eat meat, eat small amounts as a condiment not as the main course. If you eat foods with a high glycemic index, balance that with foods with | ![]() |
a low index. If possible, shun processed foods and prepare meals from "scratch". Avoid eating three big meals a day. Instead, eat five or six small meals. If you eat three meals, you'll probably be pretty hungry at each meal and may overeat (it takes a while after you eat before your hunger subsides). If you eat more often but smaller meals, you'll be less hungry for each meal and may be better able to control your intake.
A check on your weight is to occasionally calculate your Body Mass Index or BMI. Your BMI is a number that is calculated from your height and weight, and for many people that number is a measure of body fat. However, for some people BMI is not a good indicator of body fat. For example, for the same BMI, women tend to have more body fat than men. Older persons have more body fat, and athletes have more muscles that cause their BMI to be higher even though they may have less body fat. Here is a good site that discusses BMI in detail.
Here is a BMI calculator from the National Heart Lung and Institute.
Get Your Sleep!
We all know the importance of getting sufficient sleep at night. It's through rest that our bodies recover from stressful workouts. Researchers from St. Luke's -- Roosevelt Hospital Center and Columbia University in New York have learned that insufficient sleep also increases our desire to eat. So, if you're trying to lose weight, get good sleep each night! Dr Kristen Knutson, from the University of Chicago said that "A review of the evidence shows how short or poor quality sleep is linked to increased risk of obesity by de-regulating appetite, leading to increased energy consumption."Volume not Weight
People who are too big and want to reduce usually think in terms of weight -- they want to lose weight. Thinking in terms of weight is fine for people who don't exercise, but people who do exercise may get confused if they think in terms of weight. It is common for runners to increase their muscle mass and thus gain weight since muscle is heaver per cubic centimeter than fat. I thus suggest that runners who want to reduce think in terms of how well their clothes fit. They may gain a bit of weight due to increasing their muscle, but if their clothes fit looser, they are reaching their goal. They want a smaller body, not necessarily a lighter body.
You Can Do It!
Be assured that you can lose weight and that running can be a part of your plan. Take a balanced approach to weight-loss, an approach that involves exercise, good nutrition, and a slightly lower consumption of food. Here is a good article on carbohydrates. Here is the story of one man and his quest to lose weight.
Great article--thanks for taking the time to write it. I just recently started up running again and have found these tips to be useful.
this are article is garbage, please do not read!
Hi Anon,
Please do all of us a favor and explain why you think the article is garbage. The article is based on concepts that are well documented in the health and running literature, but I would like to know the specific points you disagree with so I can research them.
The BMI portion of the article is not true. I am 6'1" 202 lbs. but not overweight. My body fat percentage is 16%. I do cardio but also lift free weights 4 days a week. So how can this BMI index be accurate? Please explain.
Hi Anon,
Thanks for coming back and explaining your concerns. I'm new to BMI, and this has been a learning experience for me. I did some reading about BMI and modified the page to explain why your BMI is slightly high.
Wow, 16% body fat, lifting weights 4 days/week. You are in good condition! According to the BMI web page of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (a government site), athletes tend to have a higher BMI because they have a higher ratio of muscles to body fat. I don't think you need to worry about your BMI being above 25. You're in great shape! Keep on doing what you've been doing.
If you will, please do me a favor. Read my post again, and if you still have concerns, email me and explain your views. This will help me make further changes to the page to improve the post. My email address is allen ? bergstedt ? org where the ? and leading and lagging spaces are the normal characters for email addresses. If you prefer, you can post your comments here.
I think it is a good article, thank you. I jog/run minimum 5 days a week initially to lose weight. I think I have lost about 2 or 3 pounds in the last 2 months (I am 1.6meters and weigh 156kgs) which I felt wasn't much. But my clothes fit much better and I look toned and fit. Plus I have noticed increased energy levels and just being better able to deal with stress. I now just execise for this reason rather than losing pounds in a week and your article has encouraged me to continue to do so.
I thought this was a great article that anyone could undertsand and enjoy. I was orgiginally seeking an answer to why I was not seeing the scale got down for all my efforts. That question was answered. My clothes and physique are different, definitely - even if the scale is stubborn. But I was also enlightened to learn that faster doesn't create better results necessarily. My gpaph of miles run to calories burned proved that this idea is 100% accurate. Whether I can fast and finished my workout in 30 minutes or slower done in an hour - the miles/calories were the same. So why kill myslef trying to be Mr. Speedy? Enlightening.
Thanks for the article. Like the previous poster I too have hit a plateau in terms of weight loss. thanks to this article I have been given a boost to my motivation and am off to measure my bits!
Thanks for the article. I was getting discouraged about running for 8 weeks and not seeing any weight loss. This article helps explain it logically.
Thanks Allen for the information about 'running'. I am just starting with the gym and outside walks. This helps because now I know to pace myself and to rest when I feel its right. Ill be sure to tell my gym partner too.
BMI may not work for people who lift weights i.e. 5'6 and weigh 12 stone of muscle his bmi may say he is over weight... im 5'9 and weigh 12 stone solid my fat % is 9.81...
BMI is basically just for the average person, ifs generic and does not always work....
if you have stopped losing weight then change things around a little, your body gets used to routine...
Fantastic article..all the myths about weight revealed to a better understanding...awesome
Feeling better
Been running at the gym for 5 month and have not seen much weight loss. Your article helped me understand the process and the muscle gain versus the weight loss. Love running but still want the lower BMI. .....
I don't have any doubt about running. It is one of the great exercise as well as way to lose weight. Very easy to do and very effective to lose weight. You can trust me or not, I was fatty person and while I was started running in the morning and in the evening then in the middle of just 3 months I was able to lose a great amount of weight and now I'm just 59KG but I was 82KG. Its really very big achievement for me. Thanks
Best Fat burners
Medium pace jogging is good up to 40 years age. After this even jogging is not good. The best exercise is medium pace walking for 30-60 minutes on the road (preferably).
I am 6'2" 245 lbs. My body fat percentage is 16%. I do cardio but also lift free weights 4 days a week. This is overweight? If yes then what I will do to healthy way lose weight.
Currently in week 13 of running around 50 miles a week. This has always worked in the past to help me lose weight. This time the losses have been slow, and some of that will be down to age. However, the mechanics of my stride have changed a lot since I picked up a severe Pilates habit and running requires a lot less effort than in the past. I am happy with this trade-off because the improved efficiency should help protect against some injuries.
50 miles per week is a lot of distance! Are you training for a marathon? If not, you should be :)
50 miles a week is great! I had a stack of unused vacation from early December so have been out of doors in daylight most days since then. Pretty strict LSD, monitoring my rest pulse to avoid overdoing it and the numbers are moving my way. Rest pulse fell from 65 to 47 in first six weeks.
For me rule number 1 is not getting injured (this site has helped a lot) and I accept that this is implies patience: getting thin and getting faster will take the time it takes.
Sometimes I think I should start a website called because I spent 30 years acting as if my body was just a machine to carry my head around. I have been lucky in my health and it has been great to see how willing my body has been to respond to challenges. Example: three years ago I could not lie on the floor without a three-inch support under the back of my head. Nothing now needed. I (now aged 57) have been immaturing fast and plan to do more.
Your rest pulse dropping to 47 is likely a result of your high weekly mileage. When I was in marathon training, my pulse went down to 40. It now in the high 50s to low 60s (I'm 80). Keep it up, and thanks for sharing with us!
The process is what interests me. I enjoy most runs, enjoy the excuse to be out of doors, enjoy whatever weather we get, whatever wildlife I notice (from a bluebell to a buzzard). While I would love to attack the PBs from when I was younger that won't work: I need to observe what my body can do and let it get there to its own timetable.
Today was fantastic, running through a wood full of bluebells before going up and down a steep grassy slope three times. When I ran back through the bluebells I began to feel very light on my feet and it was if I was being run rather than doing any work myself. This persisted as I left the grass for tarmac. I have read about this sort of experience; if you know Herrigel's "Zen in the Art of Archery" this is what happens when 'it shoots'.
found this to be quite discouraging. wish i had not read it cause its putting me off of wanting to run. even though i am not running to lose pounds.
I hope you'll keep active, because it is either be active or die an early death!
Whether you walk, run, cycle, swim, or something else, it's up to you. I've been running for over 40 years, and I just had a pacemaker installed in my body. My heart stopped for 11 seconds while I was hooked up to an EKG machine, and the doctors knew immediately that a pacemaker would help. If I hadn't been active during my life, I probably would have died, but my heart started by itself. As it was, I was "dead" for 11 seconds. Fortunately, it takes about 300 seconds before brain damage occurs due to lack of oxygen. I'm three weeks away from my 81st birthday.
Human body mass index was consistently designed to become considered a overall guide to caregivers. But, health practitioners must think about different facets over a long-term foundation. By way of instance, muscular building, bone density, and cultural origin can affect the outcomes of an BMI Calculator. It's extremely frequent to think about that the BMI Calculator at the health care finance of personal wellness insurance plan. Providers may make use of a superior BMI like a chalk stage out increase insurance prices or refuse policy. What's more, that the BMI is most frequently employed by surgeons to learn whether someone participates that the Gastric Band process. You can calculate Body Fat Percentage ,body mass index although waist to height ration instantly.
Weight reduction calculators are not for everyone, however when you want to earn considerable measures toward monitoring your health and weight loss afterward comprehension through information can be the perfect first step. Weight loss calculators give you a place to commence when it comes to assessing what is now going on with your health insurance and how to change it.If you wants to track your weight on daily basis then use this weight loss calculator app through which you can easily came to know about your calories level.
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